“Let us be the hands and feet of Jesus”
A comprehensive list of ministries and missions provided by members of the Woodside United Methodist Church is provided below. All are welcome to participate. For questions, please reach out to the contact person noted by calling the church office (302-697-7050). Leave your name and number and that contact person with return your call.
Ministries and Missions
On-going Ministries
Outreach Ministry - A food pantry supplying food to feed hunger in the local community and outlying areas. Donations are received through the church members on a regular basis. Urgent needs are addressed as promptly as possible. Contact: Kim Ries.
Cooks for Christ – Provides our congregation a meal when in need or when leaving hospitalization. Contact Sue Gray.
UGLI Quilts - An outreach ministry making sleeping bags out of recycled material for the local homeless shelters. Hygiene products are included. The group meets each Tuesday from 1:00 – 2:30 in the Fellowship Hall. Contact: Marlene Gerhard.
Sew and Sow – A variety of fellowship, knitting, crocheting, crafting and games, as well as making items for outreach ministries such as African dress and hats for Code Purple. Meets each Thursday from 6:30 – 8:00 in the Fellowship Hall.
Inspirational Library – An exchange of spiritual and inspirational books and videos for the congregation to check out. Donations are welcomed. Bookcase is located in the Fellowship Hall.
Church Mice – Men of the church meet on the 1st Tuesday of each month to make repairs and update the church where needed. Coffee and donuts are available.
United Methodist Church (UMC) Men and Christian Women of Woodside Church (CWWC) – Men and women of the church raise funds for both church and outreach missions. Women meet on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Contact Linda McDonald. The men meet on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at Bob Evans (Camden, DE) at 6 p.m. Contact Steve Childers.
St. Jude Ranch – Greeting cards are collected for St. Jude’s Ranch to recycle into new cards to sell for the St. Jude’s hospital. Contact: Sue Gray.
3rd Week Luncheon – The church family is brought together in fellowship on the third Sunday of each month for a covered dish luncheon. The luncheon follows the 2nd service, approximately 11:30 a.m.
Youth Ministries
Stick Ministry – Youth share the message of Jesus Christ through song using the movement of dowel rods. Contact: Jackie Mogle.
Signing – Through three aged defined groups, youth and young adults share the message of Jesus Christ through song using American Sign Language (ASL). Ages 5 -8, Ages 9 through teens and over 18. Practice for all three groups occurs after the 2nd service each Sunday at 11:30 a.m. Contact: Ashley Dill.
Youth Group – Youth 10 years and up meet for devotionals and fellowship, working together to raise funds for missions, such as Camp Lenape, and costs related to the annual youth rally. Youth provide assistance at church dinners by clearing tables, ring the Salvation Army bell, adopt a family at Christmas and much more! Contact: Paula Wood.
Worship Services
The Traditional Service - 1st service at 8:30 a.m. has started an adult choir. Contact Arley Cooper if interested.
The Contemporary Service - 2nd service at 10:30 a.m. has a worship team and band. If your gift is to play an instrument or singing, please contact Sue Gray.
In addition to the specific ministries and missions noted above, the church members donate towards disasters when monetary gifts or supplies are needed, as announced through the Methodist denomination. Contact: Pastor Richard Walton
If you have a mission suggestion please discuss with Pastor Richard Walton at any time.

1407 Main St.
P.O.Box 45
Woodside, De. 19980
Church office 302-697-7050
(leave message)
In case of emergency call:
Pastor Richard Walton
(410) 251-5593 (cell)
Pastor's email:

Sunday Morning services are at 8:30a.m. (traditional) and on Facebook LIVE.
And 10:30am (contemporary) presently not on Facebook LIVE.
Sunday School and Adult Bible study classes are canceled until further notice.
Communion service is the first Sunday of every month during both services.